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Your vegetables aren't VEGAN || PLANT CEO #95
Learn all about veganic farming in this episode with Erin Riley, Founder & CEO of Cabbage Hill Animal-Free Fertilizer Co. Erin explains how traditional fertilizers from animal products are unsustainable and can harm the environment. Animal-based byproducts used in agriculture cannot be reabsorbed by the Earth and contain harmful substances like antibiotics and hormones. We discuss the importance of using animal-free fertilizers in gardening and farming. She shares her journey of creating plant-based fertilizers and emphasises the benefits of using plant and mineral-based inputs instead.

She also highlights the misconception that organic vegetables are always vegan, as some organic fertilizers may still contain animal products. However, non-organic vegetables can also contain potentially poisonous cancer-causing insecticides, weed killers, and fungicides. Find practical tips on what you can do at home, such as composting, growing your own fruit and vegetables, and looking after your plants.
Erin's Facebook Page

As more people adopt plant-based diets or cut back on meat, innovative start-ups are rising to meet the demand for sustainable alternatives to traditional animal products.

Anant Joshi, the show host, explores the entrepreneurs behind this movement, reimagining meat, dairy, seafood, fashion, health and beauty in eco-conscious ways. The audience will hear the inspirational stories of these pioneers building the next generation of compassionate companies.

The show features exclusive one-on-one interviews with influential voices from documentaries, associations, sports, and entertainment who champion and invest in cruelty-free, planet-positive living.

Viewers can tune in as the host takes them inside the promise and challenges of creating kinder solutions for people, animals and the planet. From milk made from plants to leather without cows, these changemakers are developing creative solutions for kinder, greener living.

As host, Anant will discuss his own journey to plant-based living and his passion for highlighting the game-changers driving this movement. Join him as he explores the fascinating world of plant-based innovation.
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